Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I cant believe how close we got to amazing huge animal. I know you can ride them and whatnot but we got to just hang out and watch her get a bath and she was so close to us we could have reached out and touched her. It is amazing how much they can learn. They told her to pick up certain legs and she did exactly what they said. They said for her to open her mouth, she did it. They told her to lay down and down she went. I can't get my dog to do that. Amazing. All the fun facts we learned about elephants was amazing as well. They really are just amazing animals. I'll leave it at that...LOL
Anyways I wanted to have a picture with all three kids in it but as it turns out that never happened that day so this was as close as i got.

Short and Sweet...

Can you believe that my two babies are on this BIG, big kid ride. I think it was call the Boomerang. They are sitting in the very first row. If you can zoom in on it they are the two tiny little things sitting in those first two seats. They are so brave because I don't think that I would ever get back on that ride. If you look even closer My husband is a couple rows back. What a chicken...LOL. I wish i could have gotten better pictures but man that ride moves quick.
We had a great time there in Discovery Kingdom. I can't wait until we head back over there.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We are moved in

YAY!! we did it, we moved in.
At first it was weird, but now it feels OK. I'm not scared at night anymore...LOL.
Of course there are a ton of never ending chores. But i guess that is the same at any house. well i tried to post a picture but blogger is being lame right now, so that is not going to happen-- today at least.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What am I going to do?

Well... pepper ( my dog) had her babies last week, and the kids have been dying to hold them. I have told them NO,but now that they are a week old I told them they can hold one while they are sitting down.

Since it has been a week their eyes are starting to open and IT happened.

Emily fell in love....her eyes go all sparklly and huge and she has this most addable smile on her face... This can't say no to this face.

Well we are not keeping them, in fact we will be selling them when they are ready to go. She is not going to let them go with out a fight and that sweet smile will turn into the meanest devil face.

I can't wait!!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

They are back

My kids got their cousins back!!!! Of course they have all their cousins from my side of the family, but they have two cousins on Phillip's side of the family that they haven't been able to play with for over a year. It was sad...they had a lot of fun together and then all of a sudden the kids were ripped out of their lives. But as of a couple of weeks ago they have been able to play with them and they are all having a great time together.
I can't believe how big the two of them have gotten. Last time I saw them they were barely speaking and they were not potty trained. Now they talk your brain off and they can use the toilet.
To add to the joy they will be getting a new cousin as well. Hopefully all goes well so that they will get to know her/him.
They are pretty cute huh....

Friday, May 22, 2009


We all have them....I have them...Some I like to share some I am horribly embarrassed of. I couldn't even imagine how many secrets I have had in my 29 ---almost 30 years of my life. Most I have told. (side not...I can't keep to many secrets for to long....unless I know the extreme importance of it.)

I like's sad. I like hearing it, I like saying it. I guess that makes for good secrets.

Maybe I should list some secrets of mine for you to hear....

















Sunday, May 17, 2009

what a mess

Believe it or not, but this is our after you will soon see it was pretty bad....

The big empty spot was where we set up our pool.
This is one of our before gets worse

Can you believe that all that is weeds...after we did half of the yard we decided to call it quits for now until it cools down...since it is a 100 degrees outside...The plan is to go to the dump tomorrow....I hope that that happens!!!